As a nation heavily reliant on tuna fishing for revenue, Tuvalu is optimistic about finding solutions for longline fisheries at WCPFC20
Urgent Calls for Proactive Measures at WCPFC to Safeguard Future of Pacific Fisheries
Bubba Cook, the WWF Western and Central Pacific Tuna Program Manager, emphasises the need for immediate action to secure the longevity of our fisheries
Civil Society Organisations Optimistic for Effective Measures Against Illegal Fishing at WCPFC 20th Session
CSOs are filled with hope and optimism as they anticipate positive outcomes at the WCPFC meeting that will tackle regional challenges like illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing
Delegates hopeful of a new Tropical Tuna Measure
There are high expectations for a new Tropical Tuna Measure that will guide fishing controls for bigeye, skipjack, and yellowfin tuna in the region’s jurisdiction
Findings of Fiji’s Ocean Expedition will be available within a year
Fiji’s first ocean expedition in over a century will finalise its findings for at least a year and aid crucial decisions regarding ocean health and sustainability
Policies and global agreements must benefit rural dwellers, says Veitayaki
Dr Joeli Veitayaki emphasises the need for policies and international agreements to benefit marginalised rural communities and stresses the importance of traditional knowledge in ocean management
Ocean Commissioner Pleads for Strong Leadership and Governance
The Pacific Ocean Commissioner calls for strong leadership, policy, science, and traditional knowledge in ocean management, emphasising the need for regional and global cooperation to address pressing challenges
Forum Chair calls on the region to be wary of nuclear wastewater discharge
The Forum Chair is committed to maintaining ongoing dialogue with Japan and the IAEA on planned discharge and calls on the region to be wary of nuclear wastewater discharge
Energy and Transport Ministers to be gender champions
Pacific Energy and Transport Ministers tasked to “serve as champions in promoting gender in the energy sector…”
Civil Societies Welcome “Climate Leadership” by Pacific Ministers
Pacific Civil Societies commended the decision of the 5th PRETMM to accelerate efforts for a just and equitable transition, stressing the urgency to act in the face of the existential threat of climate change