The International Court of Justice extends the deadline for states and organisations to submit written comments on climate obligations under international law until 15 August 2024
Sanjeshni Kumar is a Multimedia Journalist from Fiji. She is currently working with Pacific Island News Association (PINA) for the Pasifika Environews.
Global report reveals half of World’s mangroves at risk, Local efforts in Fiji offer hope for Conservation
A new IUCN report reveals that half of the world’s mangrove forests are at risk of collapse, highlighting the urgent need for conservation efforts like those led by C3 Fiji, which has been protecting these vital ecosystems since 2017
Preserving Fiji’s Iguana heritage: A conservation effort
In Fiji, passionate conservationists strive to save the island’s endangered iguanas from habitat loss, invasive species, and illegal wildlife trade
Rediscovering the lost Kulawai: Fiji’s effort to save a vanishing bird
In the lush forests of Fiji, the critically endangered Red-throated Lorikeet, once a familiar sight, has not been seen since 1993 despite exhaustive searches and conservation efforts
A mother’s battle against rising tides in Fiji’s Lobau village
In the small Fijian village of Lobau, single mother Asilika Matavola leads a fight against climate change, as rising tides and coastal erosion threaten their ancestral home and livelihoods
World Species Congress commemorated with call to action for Biodiversity Conservation
World Species Congress commemorated with a call to reverse species decline and safeguard biodiversity, urging the integration of traditional knowledge with modern science for holistic conservation
Regional Pacific NDC Hub launches #SwipeUp4Change initiative to empower Youth Climate Advocates
The Regional Hub for the Pacific launches #SwipeUp4Change initiative, empowering young influencers to drive climate action and raise awareness of Nationally Determined Contributions in the Pacific region
Empowering Pacific women and girls in clean energy transition
The Pacific Energy and Gender Initiative project, with a boost of US$1.5 million, to empower Pacific women and girls in clean energy projects and address gender disparities in the Pacific energy sector
Fiji commemorates World Seagrass Day
On a bright sunny day on 01 March waves gently roll onto the shore while youth volunteers of the World Wildlife for Nature (WWF) Pacific gather at My Suva Park in Nasese, Suva, Fiji Islands to celebrate World Seagrass Day. Dr Shalini Singh, Assistant Professor in Fisheries, College of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry at Fiji […]
Fiji celebrates World Seagrass Day: Urgent call for action to safeguard vital ocean ecosystems
World Seagrass Day celebrated in Fiji highlighted seagrass as ‘ocean lungs’ vital for biodiversity and climate change mitigation, with calls for Pacific nations to prioritise conservation efforts