Strengthening Palau’s disaster response and resilience to hazards

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in unison with the Government of Japan and the Government of Palau, are forging ahead to achieve long-term disaster and climate resilience for Palau, despite the challenges of COVID-19. UNDP’s Japan-funded Enhancing Disaster and Climate Resilience (EDCR) in Palau through Improved Disaster Preparedness and Infrastructure project, is partnering with […]

Palau aims to become world’s first “Carbon neutral tourism destination”

The Palau Bureau of Tourism, Sustainable Travel International and Slow Food have launched a new project in Palau that aims to mitigate the tourism sector’s carbon footprint and establish Palau as the world’s first “Carbon neutral tourism destination.” The project is taking a destination-level approach that includes promoting local food production within tourism and developing […]

Pacific Tuna Tagging expedition overcomes COVID Challenge

Despite the significant challenges presented by COVID-19, the Pacific Community (SPC) 7-week research expedition to monitor the health of world’s largest tuna fishery departed from Honolulu on Saturday 15 August 2020. Half of the world’s tuna catch comes from the Western & Central Pacific, providing a critical source of protein and export revenue for Pacific […]