Wallis and Futuna counts FADs washed up on its coasts

Wallis and Futuna is counting the number of lost and stranded fish-aggregating devices (FADs) that wash up on its coasts so it can calculate the damage they cause. The campaign is being run by the Wallis and Futuna Fisheries Service. Bruno Mugneret, from the Department of Fishing and Management of Marine Resources in Wallis, said […]

UN climate talks postponed amid coronavirus pandemic

The United Nations-backed  climate change conference (the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)  in Glosgow, Scotland due to be held in November this year, has been postponed to 2021 due to uncertain times ahead amid the new coronavirus or COVID-19. The decision was taken by the COP […]

Work to address marine plastic litter gets off the ground

 A cleaner Pacific Ocean free from single-use plastics. This is the vision behind the Pacific Ocean Litter Project (POLP), a six-year AUD 16 million project, which aims to complement existing waste management projects to support the delivery of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)’s Pacific Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter 2018. […]