Logging the life out of Lungga

“There is a particular tree that grows by the Lungga River. We call it the lania tree. I have been by the riverside and I have seen the tree. I have seen our father, even our great grannies walk alongside the Lungga River and gaze at the tree. I have been told; countless times, that […]

The forgotten people of Sikaiana atoll islands

SOLOMON Islands is made of scattered islands some of which are slowly perishing due to climate change. While the majority is enjoying every day life, those from these islands continues to fight each day to address poverty, education and health. This is the latest story of climate change in Sikaiana Island, part of the Malaita […]

SPC and GIZ sign agreement to support NDC hub

The Regional Pacific Nationally Determined Contributions Hub (NDC Hub) was launched in 2017 as a response to calls from Pacific Island Countries (PICs) for a regional platform to support them in implementing, enhancing and financing their national climate commitments made under the Paris Agreement (CoP 21). Through the NDC Hub, a team of experts from […]