The largest tuna processing facility in China is the fish caught by its Kiribati-based vessels.
Category: Article
Protecting the Problem – Fisheries subsidies negotiations and the World Trade Organisation
The SDG mandate implicitly calls for developed countries to take responsibility for past extraction of the marine resources
UNDP Bukuya micro-hydro project
Three villages in Viti Levu have shown the sustainable use of micro-hydro model.
As seafood disappears from reefs in western Solomons, communities call for government support
Solomon Islands communities raise concerns about improper management of the marine ecosystem.
Tighter controls on the way for plastic pollution in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Pacific Island Countries are analysing a study on how well vessel operators are complying with the main rule to control marine pollution in the WCPO.
Pillaging the people’s trees
Villagers fight to reclaim stolen logs from Gov’t & Asian logger.
E-Learning Platform to broker climate change knowledge in the Pacific region
The e-learning platform launched by PCCC will play a critical role in enhancing climate change resilience in the Pacific.
Fresh water and a new desalination plant arrives in Banaba
After a year without clean water, Banaba Island now has access to freshwater.
Countries adopt landmark framework that transforms ‘value’ of nature
The UN Member States adopt a new framework that goes beyond GDP to make sure that natural capital is recognized in economic decision-making and reporting.
Islands, rocks and tuna: Pacific nations draw new battle lines against rising seas
Pacific states are rushing to formally lock in economic zones with fishing and mining rights around remote islands threatened by higher seas, as the planet warms.