Fisheries Ministers express concerns over COVID-19 impacts

Fisheries Ministers from member countries of the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) have expressed serious concern about the unprecedented impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on their domestic economies. This was during the 17th FFC Ministers meeting last week. Ministers have expressed strengthened commitments to regional solidarity and collaboration as central to confronting the impacts […]

30 Pacific Climate Warriors graduate

A total of 30 Pacific Climate Warriors graduated from the Pacific Pawa up Fellowship (PPUF) on Saturday. Labelled as a milestone achievement for global climate activism, 350 Pacific’s communication’s officer, Patricia Mallam said the warriors graduates following a 12-week online training initiative designed to coach Pacific climate activists by equipping them with essential skills needed […]

FFC adopts the FFA Regional PSM framework

The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Committee (FFC) has successfully sanctioned the regional Port State Measure (PSM) framework at its 114th meeting held in June. According to the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency’s (FFA) Director-General, Dr Manu Tupou-Roosen, “this marks a significant milestone in the Agency’s efforts to strengthen and enhance port-based activities in relation to addressing […]

Vanuatu: A real test for local emergency response

Rated as the country with the highest disaster risk worldwide, Vanuatu is no stranger to severe tropical cyclones. When Tropical Cyclone Pam struck the country in 2015, it affected around 166,000 people and left a trail of destruction. Similarly, Tropical Cyclone Harold, a category 5 cyclone that hit Vanuatu on 6 April this year, affected […]

Solomon Islands private sector strengthens engagement in climate change resilience

A national mapping project has provided businesses in the Solomon Islands with increased understanding of climate and resilience financing. The project is seeking to strengthen private sector’s engagement and to promote public-private partnerships in this crucial area of financing. The mapping project was a joint undertaking by the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry […]

Climate Change Projection Maps for Fiji launched

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) in partnership with the Fiji Meteorological Service today presented a series of climate projection maps for Fiji to Permanent Secretaries at a function held at the Suva Business Centre in Suva. The maps provide projections, using models based on data collated by CSIRO, of the average […]

Samoa commits to enhancing e-Waste management

The Samoa Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) with the support of the European Union’s Pacific-EU Waste Management Programme (PacWastePlus) have selected electronic-waste (E-waste) as their priority waste stream and are now in the final stages of the development of their in-country project and related activities to further improve on e-waste management at the […]

Tonga needs half-a-billion for climate adaption – IMF

Tonga needs more than US$600 million to adapt to rising seas and more frequent cyclones, with the capital Nuku’alofa considered particularly vulnerable. An assessment was recently carried by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF said Tonga was one of the most exposed countries to natural disasters, which are forecast to get worse. The report […]