Pacific Island Countries move forward with Pacific Waste Management programme

Pacific island countries, supported by the European Union (EU) funded Pacific Waste Management Programme (PacWastePlus) concluded their intensive three-day programme steering committee meeting, acknowledging that waste management is a serious issue of concern for the region, especially hazardous wastes such as, E-waste and Asbestos as well as solid wastes, specifically Recyclables. Secretariat of the Pacific […]

Work to address marine plastic litter gets off the ground

 A cleaner Pacific Ocean free from single-use plastics. This is the vision behind the Pacific Ocean Litter Project (POLP), a six-year AUD 16 million project, which aims to complement existing waste management projects to support the delivery of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)’s Pacific Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter 2018. […]

Fiji Environment Minister calls for a national movement to combat litter

Combating litter and protecting our environment is everyone’s business and therefore, there should be a national movement to keep our country clean. This was highlighted by the Minister for Agriculture, Rural and Maritime Development, Waterways and Environment Dr. Mahendra Reddy while officiating at the litter Act 2008 Litter Prevention Officer (LPO) Enforcement Training at Fiji […]