Palau’s controversial plan to open 80% of Palau National Marine Sanctuary has domestically raised questions over who would benefit from opening the EEZ, writes Amy Gunia
Category: Article
Dumping treated nuclear wastewater in Pacific Ocean not recommended
Global experts unanimously say they “don’t see enough information to support Japan’s plan of dumping radioactively contaminated water into the Pacific ocean.”
PNG’s Fishing Industry Association releases sustainability report
FIA PNG Sustainability Director says PNG will continue its ongoing commitment to transparency within the tuna supply value chain strategy as FIA releases sustainability report
Pacific Islands Climate Change Forum highlights importance of climate science for decision-making
SPREP Director-General highlighting the need for climate science and information in the Pacific says “science needs to be communicated” so that countries can “negotiate better and be informed.”
IAEA releases first report on safety of planned water discharge from Fukushima Daiichi site
Japan’s plan to discharge water from the Fukushima Daiichi site into the Pacific ocean is proceeding in line with relevant international safety standards according to the first IAEA report
Climate change expert Ian Fry brings passion, experience to new post
Climate change expert says “more focus on efforts to reduce emissions, but not a lot of talk about helping countries adapt to the impacts of climate change.” is the big gap in international dialogue
Pacific Parliamentarians Alliance on Deep Sea Mining calls for more commitments to safeguarding our ocean from deep sea mining
The political momentum is growing in the Pacific region on Deep Sea Mining with the launch of the Pacific Parliamentarians Alliance on DSM, says PPADSM Chair
The Vulnerabilities of the Pacific People with Disability in the midst of a Climate Crisis
Government, NGOs and other actors need to recognise the barriers faced by people living with disabilities in the midst of a Climate Crisis, writes the author
Pacific Island Climate Outlook Forum convenes tenth session
Representatives of Pacific NMHSs and partner agencies came together to review climate and ocean conditions in the Pacific and provide outlook guidance
Pacific Elders Voice: Statement on Climate Security
Former Pacific leaders say the growing military tension in the region created by China, U.S and its allies are doing little to address the impacts of climate change in the Pacific