Posted inStory / Polynesia

Work to address marine plastic litter gets off the ground

 A cleaner Pacific Ocean free from single-use plastics. This is the vision behind the Pacific Ocean Litter Project (POLP), a six-year AUD 16 million project, which aims to complement existing waste management projects to support the delivery of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)’s Pacific Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter 2018. […]

Posted inStory / Marshall Islands

Marshall Islands, Suriname, Norway upgrade climate plans before COP26

The Marshall Islands, Suriname and Norway have submitted plans for tougher action to tackle climate change before a five-year milestone of the Paris Agreement in 2020, with almost 200 others ignoring an informal 09 February deadline. Together the three countries account for about 0.1% of world emissions. The Marshall Islands, which says its 53,000 citizens […]

Posted inStory / Fiji

Fiji Prime Minister Bainimarama opens the Regional Pacific NDC Hub office

Fijian Prime Minister Bainimarama opened the Regional Pacific Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Hub Office on Tuesday, marking an important milestone for Pacific Island member countries determination to take a leading role in meeting the climate change targets set out in the Paris Agreement. The establishment of NDC Hub is a direct outcome of the Inaugural […]

Posted inStory / Fiji

Fiji Environment Minister calls for a national movement to combat litter

Combating litter and protecting our environment is everyone’s business and therefore, there should be a national movement to keep our country clean. This was highlighted by the Minister for Agriculture, Rural and Maritime Development, Waterways and Environment Dr. Mahendra Reddy while officiating at the litter Act 2008 Litter Prevention Officer (LPO) Enforcement Training at Fiji […]

Posted inStory / Solomon Islands

The end of Ontong Java?

TWO European filmmakers Guus Schuijl and Iggy Pacanowsk visited Solomon Islands last year to film a documentary about Ontong Java. They were investigating how climate change is affecting the community on the atoll. The filmmakers are now back in Europe and have released a trailer this week for the film which can be found on […]

Posted inStory / Fiji

COP25 outcome disappointing: Fiji PM

Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama says the outcome of COP 25 in Madrid Spain is unfortunate given Fiji’s efforts to get world leaders to tackle climate change. Speaking at the launch of the Disaster Risk Reduction Policy, Bainimarama said Fiji will not stop pushing for global action. “The largest emitters have yet to summon the […]

Posted inStory / Kiribati

Safer, more reliable water for Kiribati

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors has approved US$15 million in support to the government of Kiribati to significantly strengthen the water supply for the island of South Tarawa. Approved on December 13,The South Tarawa Water Supply Project will help provide people on South Tarawa, Kiribati’s most populated island, with better access to a safe, reliable, […]

Posted inStory / Solomon Islands

Dug out wells a lifeline for Vatukola

THE sight of several dug out wells greet us at Vatukola Village in Kakabona, northwest of Honiara in the Solomon Islands. It rains fairly often in Honiara and historically, fresh water has been plentiful. But in recent years, the wells, which once provided a ready source of water, have been mysteriously drying up. Scientists from Inter-Governmental […]

Posted inSolomon Islands

Stumbling blocks at Kukum

CLIMATE change has been a heavily debated global topic. For many people, climate change has become an ongoing battle for survival. Kukum Fishing villagers in Honiara believe that climate change is real and that their surrounding environment is living proof. A coastal plain situated along the Kukum Highway in Honiara, the village is one of […]

Posted inStory / Solomon Islands

Support for nature-based solutions

NATURE-BASED solution is Solomon Islands’ best mitigation and adaptation approach towards addressing the effects of climate change. The concept encourages rural communities to revive traditional means and methods such as planting of trees and building seawalls using rocks. Lord Howe Settlement located in the capital Honiara, is a lot safer from storm surges and sea level […]