Posted inStory / Fiji

Fiji PM is COP head

FIJI has become the first Pacific Island nation to preside over the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 23) in Bonn, Germany next year. The United Nations event is an annual meeting to discuss climate change-related issues around the world. Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama, accepting the presidency of COP 23, said the […]

Posted inStory / Samoa

Samoa’s PM urges countries to continue momentum of action against climate change

Samoa’s Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi has urged the countries taking part in the 22nd Conference of the Parties, to keep moving forward in the fight against climate change. In his address, Tuilaepa emphasized that slowing down now, is not acceptable. “We have gathered in this wonderful city to determine how we can back up […]

Posted inStory / Tonga

Carbon Sink With A Blink!

Climate Change has brought to our islands in the Pacific new challenges. Some of our islands have lost their waterfronts – the beaches have extended far inland, with mangroves and plants that once marked the water-marks now a part of history. Others in our Pacific are experiencing the continuing levels of sea rise – some […]

Posted inStory / Samoa

Management of meteorological data crucial for Samoa in building resilience to extreme events

The Samoa Meteorology office is undergoing training on better managing of meteorological data gathered by experts since 1890.  It is these information that Meteorological Office Chief Executive Officer Mulipola Ausetalia Titimaea says will be critical to efforts by Samoa in resilience to extreme events. “We are the only country in the Pacific with more than […]

Posted inStory / Fiji

EU ready to help Pacific resilience

RESILIENCE agenda and resilience building features prominently in both the European Union humanitarian and development assistance in the country, says EU ambassador to Fiji and the Pacific Andrew Jacobs. Speaking at the Pacific Resilience Week in Suva, Mr Jacobs said the event was significant because it was set to take place a few weeks away […]