Posted inStory / Fiji

EU ready to help Pacific resilience

RESILIENCE agenda and resilience building features prominently in both the European Union humanitarian and development assistance in the country, says EU ambassador to Fiji and the Pacific Andrew Jacobs. Speaking at the Pacific Resilience Week in Suva, Mr Jacobs said the event was significant because it was set to take place a few weeks away […]

Posted inStory / Fiji

Fiji in world’s high risk group

FIJI, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu are among the top 15 highest risk countries in the world because of frequent floods, drought, tropical cyclones, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Speaking at the Global Health Emergency Workforce (GHEW) Country Preparedness workshop last week, the World Health Organisation (WHO) technical officer Dr Wendy Snowdon said Pacific […]

Posted inSpecial Report / Micronesia

Landlocked islanders

The amount of water is incomprehensible. We’ve been flying for hours, and just when we’re about as far from a landmass as you can possibly get—a spot where the curving, wave-flecked Pacific Ocean stretches thousands of kilometers in every direction—an island slides into view. It’s no more than a snippet of sand and palm trees, […]