Tonga called on the global community to support the implementation of urgent measures to achieve SDG 14
Pacific leaders state their case for sustainable ocean economies
Pacific demands urgent and bold actions to protect the oceans at UN Ocean Conference. “…we need a collective global effort to address some of the most defining ocean issues of our time.”
Cook Islands reaches ocean targets
Cook Islands continues to make progress in ocean commitments. “We look forward to the UN Ocean Conference ahead and working with our partners to bring about a healthier ocean for us all.”
Tonga recognises the importance of science, and transfer of marine technology to SIDS
Tonga calls on other countries to join the Political Declaration to enhance marine scientific knowledge, research capacity and transfer of marine technology to SIDS
Calls on Pacific leaders to stand in solidarity against deep sea mining
PPADSM chair called on Pacific leaders to abandon their plans for deep-sea mining in their territorial waters and stand in solidarity against deep-sea mining
Alliance launched against deep sea mining
Pacific nations announced Alliance for a Deep Sea Mining Moratorium to prevent the destructive industry to go ahead. “We refuse to destroy what we do not understand”.
Threat Of Plastic Outweighing Fish By 2050 Heavy on Pacific Leaders’ Minds at Ocean Conference
Pacific urged world leaders at the UN Ocean Conference to support the development of National Plastic Prevention Plans and consider supporting legislation to phase out problematic plastics
Pacific leads the way in shaping fisheries subsidies agreement outcome at 12th WTO Ministerial
Pacific told the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference they “need solution now”. “Our ocean and coastal communities cannot wait any longer for a perfect Fisheries Subsidies Agreement.”
Pacific Small Islands Developing States make a strong mark at UN Ocean Conference
PSIDS called for improved international efforts at all levels to improve and sustain the health, productivity and resilience of our ocean
Fiji making big commitments at UN Ocean Conference
Fiji has the will to put resources behind the most far-reaching transformation in its history, says Fiji’s PM at UN Ocean Conference