Small Islands nations like the Pacific call Commonwealth leaders to strengthen global support for the ocean and climate change action
Tag: climate change
U.S Navy vows to stand by Pacific in climate fight
U.S Navy committed to standing by the Pacific in its fight against the climate crisis
Pacific labour mobility and the existential threat of climate change
Australia needs to walk the walk on emissions, migration targets and resettlements to make itself a good neighbour to Pacific island states, writes Peter Hooton
Australia should rejoin UN climate fund to prove commitment to Pacific neighbours, thinktank argues
Australia must do more than simply position itself as a first responder to natural disasters if it is to become “an effective climate ally with the Pacific”, according to a policy paper
From Vanuatu law school to the Hague: the fight to recognise climate harm in international law
Vanuatu is leading a campaign to have the international court of justice issue an opinion on climate change – which could have huge legal ramifications
Residents of Fiji island Kioa work to get home ‘climate ready’
Residents of Fiji island Kioa are working to “future-proof” the island for future generations and make their homes “climate-ready”
Vanuatu calls on Australia to back its UN bid to recognise climate change harm
Vanuatu urges Australia’s new Labor government to support push for ICJ to issue a climate advisory opinion and prove its commitment to climate action and support for Pacific countries
Enhancing climate resilience financing in the Solomon Islands
A new climate finance roadmap to help the Solomon Islands access potential funding for adaptation and mitigation work
NZ Government dumps $500m plan to raise sinking Pacific Island
NZ Government dumps $500m climate change plan for the sinking Kiribati
U.S Navy pledges climate support
U.S Navy pledges to support Pacific island nations in the battle against climate change