The following is part of a Q & A series on SPREP staff. In this series, we will be introducing you to members of our SPREP team, giving you the chance to learn more about what we do. Mr Anthony Sumasafu Talouli is the Pollution Adviser at the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme […]
Tag: Oceans
Happy International Day for Biological Diversity!
‘Our Solutions are in Nature’ is the theme for this year’s International Day for Biological Diversity observed annually on 22 May. Nature-based solutions can support climate change adaptation, food and water security, and sustainable livelihoods, and biodiversity provides the answer to a number of sustainable development challenges we face. Corona virus 2019 (COVID-19) has given the […]
Eco-tourism major key to ‘tricky’ Pacific economic reset, says Leary
As New Zealand prepares to go to alert level two in the covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, the attention turns to the recovery of the economy – and we must spare a thought for the economies of the Pacific. Most of the Pacific relies on tourism, as does New Zealand, however devastation of the industry has rendered […]
Tropical cyclone season officially over
Eight tropical cyclones crossed the Exclusive Economic Zones of the South Pacific this 2019 – 2020 tropical cyclone season that officially ended in April. In Meteorological terms, this is known as a ‘near normal’ season. Tropical Cyclones Rita, Sarai, Tino, Uesi, Vicky, Wasi, Gretel and Harold wreaked havoc across the Pacific islands highlighting the need […]
Wallis and Futuna counts FADs washed up on its coasts
Wallis and Futuna is counting the number of lost and stranded fish-aggregating devices (FADs) that wash up on its coasts so it can calculate the damage they cause. The campaign is being run by the Wallis and Futuna Fisheries Service. Bruno Mugneret, from the Department of Fishing and Management of Marine Resources in Wallis, said […]
Climate Change changes the Atolls’ lifestyles
In the past, the women of Ontong Java in Malaita Outer Islands used to harvest sea shells not far from the shores to sell for incomes. Today, the women abandoned their activities because the sea level rise has covered the harvesting areas. Jenny Asua, who comes from the island confirmed to Island Sun in an […]
Threats to Pacific Islands’ Rich Biodiversity a Key Focus of the Conference
Conservation management of the rich biodiversity across the Pacific islands region is at the core of the 10th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas. An important event, this will help protect our valuable ecosystem services that the world depends upon. The conference will take place in New Caledonia at the Tjibaou Cultural […]
Bill to end Palau’s 26-year fishing ban on endangered species faces pushback
A fisheries scientist warns that a move to lift a 26-year ban and allow fishing of an endangered fish species for personal use lacks controls with loopholes that could lead to it being overfished and exported illegally to Asian markets, where the Napoleon Wrasse is a delicacy. It is the most expensive reef fish in […]
The end of Ontong Java?
TWO European filmmakers Guus Schuijl and Iggy Pacanowsk visited Solomon Islands last year to film a documentary about Ontong Java. They were investigating how climate change is affecting the community on the atoll. The filmmakers are now back in Europe and have released a trailer this week for the film which can be found on […]
Hope for a better tomorrow
LIVING in an informal settlement comes with sacrifice, patience and dreams of a better future. Day in and day out is always a challenge when it comes to basic services like water and sanitation as well as simple hygiene practices. External shock and stresses due to adaptation deficit in urban infrastructure, housing and service provision are […]