PIF leaders expressed strong concerns over Japan’s release of treated radioactive wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean, citing potential threats to the health and security of the region
Tag: Oceans
Radioactivity risks in Pacific seafood ‘low’
Dr Nicholas Fisher from Stony Brook University reveals that while some Pacific seafood may contain low levels of radioactive Cesium from Fukushima, the overall risk to human health is low
Pacific delegates urged to make their voices heard in the latest global plastics treaty negotiations next month
Pacific delegates meet in Palau to further discuss Pacific strategies and seek endorsement on the PSIDS positions for the INC-3
EU-Pacific Policy Dialogue advocates stronger ocean governance and policy implementation
Dr Manoni stressed the importance of aligning efforts to achieve regional ocean priorities and highlighted the significance of traditional knowledge
EU and Kiribati agree on a new fisheries protocol to their sustainable fisheries partnership agreement
EU and Kiribati signed a new fisheries protocol granting EU vessels access to the Pacific’s richest and healthiest tuna stocks, supporting sustainable fishing practices and providing financial support for Kiribati’s fisheries sector
IAEA to conduct first extensive sampling of Marine Environment near Fukushima Daiichi since start of treated water release
IAEA to conduct first extensive sampling of Marine Environment near Fukushima Daiichi supporting environmental monitoring, technical assessment, and safety standards evaluation related to the treated water release into the Pacific Ocean
Fukushima nuclear waste water issue to be a standing agenda item at next PALM meeting: Forum SG
SG Puna says Forum will hold the IAEA to account for its commitment to monitor the discharge of treated nuclear wastewater into the ocean as Japan will begin releasing a second batch of wastewater
Fiji pushes for successful implementation of WTO’s Fisheries Subsidies Agreement
Fiji joins 40 other WTO members who have ratified the fisheries subsidies agreement and leads efforts to implement fisheries subsidies
Pacific region should discourage any subsidies that support fishing of stocks declared overfished: Forum DSG Nayasi
Forum DSG calls on Pacific region to oppose subsidies that support overfishing and emphasises the importance of the WTO Fisheries Subsidies Agreement in combating IUU fishing and protecting the oceans
Tokelau works on Blue Economy Roadmap
Tokelau begins developing a five-year Blue Economy Roadmap to enhance the governance, management and protection of its marine ecosystem and ocean resources