It is estimated that there are 16,000 persons working in the maritime sector and less than 10% of these are women
Tag: Pacific
Pacific food systems dialogue to help advance global summit
The food dialogue to find solutions for the mounting challenges food systems in Pacific face
Ireland and ADB Helping Small Island States in the Pacific Respond to Climate Change
Ireland and ADB fund are building climate change and disaster resilience in the small island states that are members of the ADB
How we know how much tuna there is and whether fishing is sustainable, says a fisheries scientist
Stock assessment a tool to support the success of sustainable tuna management in the WCPO
The window is closing for urgent climate change action in the Pacific, says ADB Vice-President
The ABD is working with Pacific developing member countries to prepare for climate change and build long-term climate resilient
The Pacific Climate Change Centre, building a knowledgeable region
The e-learning platform provides exciting and innovative solutions to the challenges faced due to the global pandemic, says PCCC Manager
Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission convenes amid COVID-19’s continued menace to world’s fisheries hub
Regional Commission to be guided on advocating and raising awareness of the fishery and aquaculture sectors
Seabed mining a disturbing new threat to the Pacific, says environmental activist
Deep sea mining an emerging industry that poses a huge threat to the Pacific and the world at large
Information on environment and conservation in the Pacific now more accessible
A new assessment shows that there is a need to help our natural species and spaces
Micronesia President opposes Japan’s plan to dump nuclear waste water at Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean
FSM President raised concern about Japan’s decision to release diluted nuclear waste water in the Pacific