D Day for Fiji’s Talanoa

KATOWICE, Poland — By tomorrow (December 15, 2018), the world will know whether Poland’s hosting of the UN climate change summit, commonly known as COP24, has succeeded in delivering a strong outcome, and by extension whether Fiji’s exported concept of talanoa or dialogue had aided in producing such a good outcome. As I write this, […]

UN climate change report a call for urgent action

  SUVA, Fiji– The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released its most comprehensive and critical report on climate change for years to come. Its findings show the profound impacts on human life and the decisive actions necessary to keep global temperature rise below 2 or 1.5 degrees Celsius, as well as the huge differences […]

Pushing environmental issues through ‘mojo’

Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (EJN) and  The University of the South Pacific’s Journalism Programme  teamed up to host a one-day workshop on mobile journalism (also called “mojo”) for environmental reporting at the Laucala campus in Suva this week. More than 25 journalism students participated in the workshop, which introduced students to the principles and techniques […]

Farms under water

THERE is nothing Rama can do but watch as saltwater slowly creeps up his six and a half-acre sugarcane farm in Varavu, coastal Ba. The 68-year-old said the last time he harvested cane of any real value was three years ago. Every time the tide pulls in, Rama says, another few precious millimetres of what […]