PACRES project is helping Keapara community in PNG to deal with challenges they are facing as a result of sea level rise
Report highlights climate change danger to children’s education in Pacific
A new report says 3.8 million school-age children in the Pacific are at risk of missing out on education as a result of climate change, disasters and emergencies
Cook Islands calls for ambitious targets to reverse and end plastic pollution
Cook Islands calls for bold efforts to “halt plastic pollution as a significant planetary crisis that impacts our ecosystems, biodiversity, the climate and human health.”
American Samoa criticises U.S plan to expand size of Pacific marine sanctuary
American Samoa “disappointed” by the U.S plan to expand the size of the Pacific marine sanctuary without consultation.
Tuvalu’s ‘backup plan’ to create a digital twin in the metaverse
Tuvalu says the impacts of climate change have forced it to create a digital copy of itself in the metaverse. But in the real world, not everyone’s convinced.
Ambitious targets needed to eliminate problematic single-use plastic waste
Pacific Island countries are taking ambitious steps to eliminate problematic single-use plastic waste, as without new and effective control measures, plastic production is set to double in 20 years
Pacific build the call for a Just Transition to a Fossil Fuel Free Pacific
There is a need for a “just and equitable” phase-out of fossil fuels, says SG Puna, as Pacific builds call for a fossil fuel free Pacific
USAID awards first clean cities, Blue Ocean Grant in Pacific Islands to ombat Ocean Plastic Pollution
USAID awards a grant to Waste Recyclers Fiji Ltd and Pacific Recycling Foundation to design and build I-Recycle Hub Bins that will promote recycling practices in Fiji’s capital city and combat ocean plastic pollution
Seabed mining might be the next big environmental campaign
A legal adviser says the current knowledge and available science are insufficient to approve deep-seabed mining and calls for “a precautionary pause” to protect the marine environment
Palau calls for halt on seabed mining until 2030
Palau’s president says it’s understandable why some Pacific countries would want to endorse mining ventures, “but sometimes, in the haste of making money, we could lose so much more” while calling for a halt on seabed mining until 2030