Mission Pacific has shown incremental growth in recycling PET bottles and cans by encouraging individuals to hand them into recycling centers.
Tag: Pacific
France, South Pacific nations to combat ‘predatory’ fishing as China extends reach
A coastguard network for the Pacific is to be launched by France and South Pacific nations to counter illegal fishing.
Advancing Environmental Law in the Pacific: IUCN hosts Inaugural Oceania Environmental Law Conference
IUCN conference highlighted the significance of Environmental Law and its role in conservation and sustainable development in the Pacific Islands.
Language critical to Kiribati as it faces the challenge of Climate Change
Language to keep Kiribati rooted to their land and tradition while facing the challenges of climate change.
Pacific focusing on waste this World Population Day
The PacWastePlus programme works with several participating countries on several initiatives to reduce waste ending up in landfills.
ACCESS-S training to enhance weather and climate forecasting
COSPPac 2 to build resilience to the impact of climate change, climate variability and disasters.
The European Union invests EUR 9 million in Climate information services in the Pacific
Project to provide innovative and collaborative solutions to manage climate-related risks and support sustainable development in the Pacific.
IAEA to review and monitor the safety of water release at Fukushima Daiichi
The IAEA will play a vital role in monitoring and reviewing Japan’s implementation of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear plan.
Pacific leaders join forces ahead of the landmark climate summit
During the UK-Pacific Climate Change Dialogue, Pacific Island countries outlined the disproportionate and devastating impacts of climate change.
Morrison government rejects call to phase out coal power ahead of UN session on Australia’s human rights record
The Marshall Islands’ climate request is one of 55 human rights-related recommendations Australia has rejected.